Green IT/Green Computing..
Green computing means environment friendly computing. Green IT is environmentally responsible use of computers and related resources.
It has 3R’s:
• Reduce
• Reuse
• Recycle
We have came across these 3R’s in our Green Chemistry topic. So, yes green computing is somewhat related to green chemistry.
But why do we need green computing?
- Energy consumption:
• Often computer energy is wasted as we leave the computer on when not needed(CPU & fan consume power, Screen savers consume power)
• 50-150 watts for a 15-17 inch monitor, proportionately more for larger monitors.
• Desktop PC’s require approximately 100 watts of electrical power.
2. Printing is often wasted as for a paperless society we tend to use more paper today than before computer prevalence.
3. Pollution:
• It is essental as ICT/IT accounts about 2% of CO2 emissions.
• Disposal of Computer & components.
• Plastics are used to make components required To support in IT
4. Toxicity:
• There are toxic chemicals used in the manufacturing of computers & components.
For instance, mercury is used in Batteries, switches, etc.
How to implement Green computing!
1.Using energy star labelled products:
• Energy star label on appliances indicates its energy efficieny.
• It helps in reducing the overall energy consumption.
2.E-Waste Recycling:
• Instead of throwing E waste it could be given to non-profits & charities or submitted to the municipal or private recycling bodies.
3.Remote Working:
• People can work from home using internet, email,etc. as it reduces the no of cars/vehicles on the road.Hence, reducing carbon emissions.
4.Cloud Computing
Cloud tech address two critical elements of green computing:
1.Energy efficiency.
2.Resource efficiency through visualization.
Why Go Green!
• Reduces E-waste
• Prevents global warming.
• Better utilization of energy & resources.
• Reduces operating capital expenditures.
• Reduces the impact of hazardous materials on the Environment.
Green IT is the future .Green Computing practices have become a necessity in Reducing the carbon footprint.
So let’s start with this revolution let’s go green lets wipe out e-waste Reduce,Reuse,Recycle .